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Fake designer Dior Bag

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30-montaigne-dior -10%


Description Product code # 19060405 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Productio..

$480.00 $430.00
Best Quality Original Dior Bag -10%

Best Quality Original Dior Bag

Description product code # 17102340 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Product..

$480.00 $430.00
Best Replica Original Dior Bag -11%

Best Replica Original Dior Bag

Description product code # 17102303 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Product..

$460.00 $410.00
cest-dior -11%


Description product code # 17102301 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Productio..

$460.00 $410.00
dior-12 -10%


Description product code # 17040362 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Productio..

$480.00 $430.00
dior-30-montaigne -10% Out Of Stock


Description Product code # DB190612-A1 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Produc..

$480.00 $430.00


Description Product code # DB190612-A3 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Produc..



Description Product code # DB190612-A4 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Produc..

dior-30-montaigne-4 -10%


Description Product code # DB190612-A2 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Produc..

$480.00 $430.00


Description Product code # DB190612-A5 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Produc..



Description Product code # DB190624-A1 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original dior Produc..

dior-4 -10%


Description product code # 8573896 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Production..

$480.00 $430.00
dior-7 -10%


Description product code # 17033107 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Productio..

$480.00 $430.00
dior-9 -10%


Description product code # 17040349 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Productio..

$480.00 $430.00
dior-addict-tote -18%


Description product code # 181203-1 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Dior Productio..

$570.00 $470.00
Fake designer  Dior Bag
Hi to all of you!
It's time for my Summer Hall '17 reviews, part two! I'll be evaluating the Lady Dior purse I bought this time. We can all agree that the Lady Dior bag belongs in Dior's timeless classics collection, and the bag's design, history, and construction all lend credence to this. Fun fact: Are you aware of the origins of the name "Lady Dior bag"? I did some investigating, though, and discovered that it was named for none other than Lady Di, also known as the late Princess of Wales, Diana. Thus, if you are fortunate enough to already possess one of these bags, you are aware that it has a brief history involving royals. Furthermore, it just serves to increase the desire for the bag among people who have been coveting it—that is, dying to own one!

Personally, I can understand Princess Diana's affection for the purse. It has a regal quality to it, and I think wearing this style may elevate even the most unsophisticated women, like me, to a somewhat more refined appearance. The montage above shows how enamored Princess Diana was with the bag—she owned black versions in every size and material! I think Lady Di and I share a tendency toward black accessories since when I made the decision to purchase the purse, I automatically gravitated toward black as well! Jokes aside, I chose the Lady Dior in black lambskin in the original size (not the small or big) with gold hardware. I really adore the appearance of silver hardware on a Lady Dior, but for some reason, I was drawn to the way the black stood out against the black. The retail price of the real, or original, edition of the bag is approximately $4,100 USD, but I was able to purchase mine for less than a tenth of that, or about $400 USD.
If you've read my blog before, you know that I don't like to play around with cheap imitations; they're a waste of money, and since I want the bag to last as long as the original, I only buy the best. So, even though I paid for a counter quality replica, it's as close to the real thing as possible. The quality of the leather, the hardware, the stitching, the interior, and the general feel of this particular bag are what distinguish it as counter-quality. I'll discuss each of those features in more detail below:
The bag's leather is real lambskin, and I have to say, it is quite supple. When it comes to this criterion, the leather on this bag passes muster. Genuine lambskin leather should feel incredibly buttery. The leather is very similar to the classic flap series from Chanel, which ought to be extremely buttery. The entire appearance of this bag will be ruined if you purchase a cheap imitation with fake leather because the quality of the leather will be obvious from a distance.

Hardware of superior quality ought to weigh the same as the original. While some companies use heavier gear, others use lighter hardware. When it comes to the amount of hardware, Dior is a brand that falls somewhere in the middle. Overall, the hardware on this bag seems quite substantial, with the exception of the charms, which are slightly heavier than the handles and zipper. Additionally, the bag features tiny pegs at the bottom to keep it clean and shield the leather from abrasions. Thankfully, the Lady Dior is not one of those bags! I particularly detest it when companies use delicate leather, like lambskin, to produce bags without feet at the bottom (especially if you end up buying the genuine bag and spending $4k!).
STITCHING: A replica's stitching may make or break the bag; in the case of this Lady Dior replica, the stitching makes the bag. Every square has a stitch count of 9, which is comparable to the real thing. To compare once again with Chanel, the stitching on that brand is clearly recognizable as phony, as evidenced by the excessively puffed classic flap. You don't need to consider any other features if the stitch count of your copy is inferior to the original; it is a poor imitation.
INTERIOR: The interior of a duplicate bag is the last area I look at to determine its quality, and it's also my favorite. Although a mediocre bag and a good quality bag may appear identical on the outside, the fake bag may typically be identified by its insides. Because they are inexpensive and want to get the most out of every dollar they spend, the majority of imitation makers put faux leather on the inside of their bags. In this case, the Dior interior is constructed with real leather trimmings on the interior leather zipper, and the actual interior is bordered with a red brand imprinted fabric. I always look for counter quality models of bags that have real leather or original quality fabric on the interior.
EXTRAS: Rather than just being held, the bag can be worn on your shoulder thanks to the strap that came with it.
Overall, if you decide to choose a replica over a used or real bag, this Lady Dior replica bag is an excellent example of what a decent imitation bag should look like and what you should look for when shopping for one!